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Mette Østman

Felted animal urns – with a new website

The company Puresoft has helped give our website and webshop a thorough overhaul. This spring, it's blossomed into this new version.

Filtede dyreurner har fået ny hjemmeside

It's been a long time coming, but it's a project to which you have to give considerable consideration. It's taken a couple of months of meetings, both online and in real life. Uffe and Anika, who make up Puresoft, have taken care of the technical aspects, and have been great sparring partners throughout the creative process. They've taught us a lot about search terms, title tags, and meta description. We've taken care of the content and photos, but they've been holding our hands every step of the way. Thank you so much for all the friendly support. We can only recommend them.

Google-søgning på dyreurner, der blandt andet viser UURNAs i resultaterne med en gul pil, der peger på Chrome-fanen

The most important reason for the makeover was that we wanted to spread the word about our felted pet urns far and wide. We want to sell them, and for that to happen, we need customers to be able to find them when they search for them. Try looking up animal urns yourself, and you'll see that Google is being a lot nicer to us now, featuring our site on the first page of their search results for both sites and images. This is incredibly important, and we hope it also works for you.

Kæledyrsurnernes engelske hjemmeside med en gul pil, der peger på sprogindstillingerne i hovedmenuen

Together with the new layout, Uffe has also set up an English version of our site. We're very happy with that as it expands our customer base significantly. However, someone does need to look over the shoulder of the translating tool, and we're fortunate that our intern Cecilie is really into English language and literature, and has looked over everything with a critical eye. Thanks for that.

'Filtede dyreurner', 'peturns', 'kæledyrsurner', 'kaeledyrsurner' – this site has had many names, but now you can find and navigate it. Please leave us a comment if there's anything we've missed.

Also, check out Puresoft. They've made a business case about us, and we've got nothing but praise for them. Thanks for now.

Link til Puresofts business case om kæledyrsurnerne

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