Uurna's urns for animals are hand-felted from pure Uurna's urns for animals are hand-felted from pure wool - merino, corriedale, Gotland sheep and various local mixed breeds. We use dyed wool from DHG, Wollknoll and Henrichsens Uldspinderi. The naturally dyed wool comes from Hjelholts Uldspinderi and from local sheep breeders. Both wool and colors are environmentally (Øko-tex and Gotts) and animal welfare (mulesing-free) certified. The only exception is the wool from local breeders with whom we are personally in touch.
Wool is a natural product, and if the urn is to be left out for a long time, you have to be aware that moths also like wool. Check from time to time whether there is a little wool dust under the urn. If you see traces of moths, the urn can be put in the freezer for a week or so, during which the moths and larvae die. The process is repeated if necessary. If the urn has been thoroughly eaten, it may be a sign that the time has come for the 'final farewell', when the urn must be buried.